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Critical and Scientific Thinking: A short introduction

In my new book(s) on critical and scientific thinking, you will learn which reasoning errors we all tend to make, why we make those reasoning errors, what they lead to, and how we can improve our thinking. Finally, you will learn about the importance of critical and scientific thinking, and about what characterizes the sciences and makes them reliable. The book is written for my students, but I do believe that it could be of interest to a wider audience. Critical thinking concerns everyone. It is of great value on both a personal and societal level.


The book is available in Dutch and in English and the electronic copy is free. (If you’d like a hardcopy, it’s available for 14,99 euros).


Here’s the link to the Dutch version:


Here’s the link to the English version:


I hope you enjoy the book and share the link with whomever might be interested!




Extra resources:


Knowledge clip 'Predictably irrational':

Interview for the 'TeachPitch' podcast:

Interview by Prof. Johan Breackman for 'De gedachtenstreep':


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